
  • An edited compilation of three documentary films about Airside: Apple (2005), Gestalten TV (2009) and Computer Arts (2012)

  • The Airside book that tells the full messy story of our creative journey.

  • Running a tattoo stall at Bestival. This job role is not currently on my CV.

  • Projected animations at our Tokyo exhibition.

  • Running an Airside workshop with Sibylle, Nat, Jamie, Malika, Guy, Anne and Alex.

  • A Lemon Jelly touchscreen table at the Airside book launch.

  • Pulling shapes with Dick at an Airside party.

  • Me, Malika and Nat posing at Belgrade Design Week.

  • When we announced our closure we were number two Twitter topic in London for a week (number one was the Olympics.)

  • A tear-jerking compilation of Airside's greatest hits cut to Frank Eddie's drum and bass remix of East 17's Stay Another Day.

  • Video from Airside's closing party. Out with a bang...

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